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LLM in Law and Business

RNCP Certification level 7 «Business Lawyer»

French version


Eligibility: Open to Law graduates

Duration: 9 months

Rhythm: October to June

Language: Full english program

Tuition: 12 900 €
Tuition covers enrollment, internet and library access, study materials and student fees. In addition, students should plan for travel, accommodation and living expenses.

Training site: Ecole HEAD, 120 rue La Fayette, 75010 Paris

Academic calendar:

  • October 2024 intake : from October 2024 to the end of June/beginning of July 2025

  • January 2025 intake : from Tuesday, January, 2025 to the end of 2025

About our LLM

Our LLM in Law and Business program is open to students from all over the world who have successfully completed a graduate degree in law. This program is offered entirely in English. Practical and interdisciplinary, our program provides students with the tools they need to succeed in the competitive environment of international business law.The LLM in Law and Business Program is comprised of a wide range of classes aimed at providing students with the rich mix of technical and non-technical skills necessary to a successful legal career in the international business environment.

These courses have been carefully selected not only to enhance the student’s professional readiness, but also to satisfy the requirements necessary to obtain the certification of the Répertoire National de Certifications« RNCP »), the French governmental authority responsible for certifying professional educational programs in France. The RNCP certification «Business Lawyer», Level 7 « Juriste d’affaires », niveau 7) is registered at the RNCP under number 36627


  • Familiarize yourself with different legal systems

  • Acquire an understanding of the global business world

  • Prepare yourself for a professional environment

  • Gain a competitive edge over your peers

  • Develop your network

  • Discover a different culture


Competences and skills-set

  • Professional Experience
  • Research memoir
  • Legal Research and French Methodology
  • Contract Management
  • Contract Negotiation
  • Contract Drafting in English
  • American Business
  • Associations
  • The Fundamentals of the Corporate Duty of Vigilance
  • Moot Court in Arbitration
  • International Commercial and Investment Arbitration
  • Mediation
  • The Art of Persuasion
  • English and French Communication Skills Mentorship and
  • Professional Development Marketing for Lawyers
  • Conducting an Efficient Business Strategy
  • Reading Financial Statements and Financial Analysis in the Anglo-Saxon World
  • Leadership and Management

    Business law

    • International Contract Law
    • French Contract Law
    • Acquisition Contracts
    • Industrial Property in the Digital Age: Patents, Licenses and
    • Building an IP Portfolio M&A and IP
    • Data and the Law
    • Competition and the Regulation of the Telecom Industry
    • Litigation in the Digital Sector
    • International Tax Strategies
    • Merger Control, Cartels and Abuse of a Dominant Position
    • M&A Transactions


      Les modalités d’évaluation en Mastère 1

      Les enseignements, quelle que soit l’option choisie, sont évalués de deux manières :

      • Par un contrôle continu tout au long de l’année qui évalue l’assiduité en cours, l’implication des étudiants et la qualité de leurs devoirs.
      • Par un examen final à chaque fin de module. Plusieurs sessions d’examens sont organisées dans l’année scolaire. Le planning des examens est envoyé aux étudiants 3 semaines avant le début des examens en précisant la nature des épreuves (écrites ou orales). Exemples d’examens écrits : études de cas, consultations, dossiers à rendre, sujets de synthèse, QCM…

      Les matières ne se compensent pas entre elles, chaque module étant indépendant des autres.

      Une session de rattrapage est proposée aux étudiants qui ne valideraient pas une matière en cumulant les notes de contrôle continu et d’examen.

      Les méthodes pédagogiques en Mastère 1

      Retrouvez les méthodes pédagogiques appliquées au Mastère 1 Droit et Pratique des Affaires dans le menu Pédagogie !

      To obtain the RNCP certification of “Business Lawyer”, Level 7 (« Juriste d’affaires », niveau 7)

      A student must, by virtue of the courses taken, the Professional Experience and Professional Report, receive credit in each of the required competences and skills. This certification is currently being examinated by France Compétences for its renewal.

      Our added values

      • Programs focused on both the Common Law and Civil Law Systems

      • Interdisciplinary curriculum (Law and Business Courses)

      • Practical courses and learning experiences (Law Clinic, Moot Court…)

      • Networking opportunities (including with mentors, almuni, lecturers…)

      • Diverse cultural and professionnal oppourtunities










      Professional opportunities









      • Legal Counsel
      • Contract Manager
      • Compliance Officer
      • General counsel
      • Legal Operation Manager
      • Data Protection Officer
      • Business Owner
      • Legal Tech Lawyer
      • Business Lawyer
      • Banking Lawyer

      Mis à jour le 24 juin 2024